We list physical natural gas contracts for delivery at the Trading Region South Hub on the Maui pipeline [NGP-TRS]. With emsTradepoint, you can trade gas intraday or for future delivery at the hub that is at the centre of the New Zealand gas transmission network.
We offer:
- low barriers to entry: open and transparent market access arrangements
- Central Counterparty settlement: emsTradepoint is the central counterparty to all trades, providing full cycle anonymity, easier credit risk management and operational efficiencies
- 7 days a week: Open for trade 7 days a week
- proactive and reactive markets: two markets are currently offered – On-The-Day for deliveries on the same day as trade, and Day-Ahead for future deliveries up to 24 months forward
- standardised physical delivery arrangements: physical delivery is satisfied under the standard open access codes
NGP-TRS is physically settled by title-transfer at the Trading Region South hub, located on the Maui pipeline 43.9 km north of Oaonui. The TRS hub consists of the TRS (Delivery) and TRS (Receipt) Welded Points.
- electronically traded on the web-based emsTradepoint Exchange Platform
- settled by the Central Counterparty
- fully compatible with existing Maui Pipeline Operating Code arrangements
- three contract codes: daily (D), weekly (W) and monthly (M)
- available for trade in two markets: Day-Ahead [DA] (forward 24 months) and On-The-Day [OTD]
- centrally located for ease of transportation north and south.
Download product specs here pdf 67.6 KB

Contract Windows:

Historic products
For delivery periods prior to 1 October 2015, emsTradepoint's product listing was Natural Gas Physical - Frankley Road [NGP-FR], delivered on the Vector SKF pipeline.
Market hours are compatible with the nomination regime on the Maui pipeline.

On-the-Day Market
The market for reactive trading: The On-the-Day (OTD) market allows Participants to trade gas for delivery on the same day as the Delivery Period Designed for intra-day primary and secondary balancing, and reactive trading to manage events such as unplanned outages Participants have instant access to short-term gas across the North Island gas transmission network

Day-Ahead Market
The market for proactive trading: The Day-Ahead (DA) market allows Participants to trade gas up to 24 months in advance of the Delivery Period Single and bulk orders can be entered for easy order management Instant access to the market via the emsTradepoint Exchange Platform.