Are you looking for a way to access the New Zealand carbon market?
Are you already trading NZUs but want another option?
Join New Zealand's fastest growing carbon trading community. Our trading platform is open to anyone who has a New Zealand Emissions Trading Register account, and includes:
- foresters
- ahu whenua Māori trusts
- emitters
- industrial processors
- forestry aggregators
- institutional investors
- speculators
To join our carbon trading community, simply complete the appropriate Onboarding Pack and send to
- Market Access - to trade NZUs through our platform you must have an active account on the Emissions Trading Register (ETR).
- The ETR account holder must be the trading participant - if your ETR account holder name is an organisation (such as a Company or Trust), then the Participant Name in the participant agreement must match the ETR account holder name.
Carbon Onboarding Pack - Organisations pdf 5.5 MB
Carbon Onboarding Pack - Individuals pdf 3.2 MB
Carbon Onboarding Pack - View Only pdf 2.9 MB
The onboarding packs include:
- A Participant Agreement pursuant to our Core and Carbon Supplement Market Rules - to be signed by an authorised representative.
- A KYC Pack (either for an individual or an organisation) - provides background information related to your trading history, likely intentions etc for market monitoring and other important information about you as a trading participant.
- A User Registration Form for each person who you want to access the exchange - note that additional users can added (or removed) at any stage in the future.
Bank Account and GST for sellers
Send us a bank deposit slip and gst number (if applicable) so we can set you up in our settlement system to pay you directly when you sell.
- Bank account name match - your bank account name must match the name of the trading participant. Our team's verification includes verbal confirmation with you.
- Goods and Services Tax - currently not applied to New Zealand carbon units, however GST is applied to all trade fees unless the trading participant is exempt from New Zealand GST.
Prudential assurance for buyers
- If you intend to buy NZUs then you must satisfy our prudential assurance requirements. This can be a company credit rating, bank guarantee or an emsTradepoint credit assessment based on your company’s financial accounts.
- Small trading participants who intend to purchase less than $50,000 can request a third-party credit check via emsTradepoint.
Once you have satisfied all the requirements above send all documentation to and we can get you set up for trading!
Participant types
We have two types of Participant: Full Trading and View Only
Participants will only be able to view and trade the products they are registered for.

Full trading
Trade with bidding and/or offering trading rights View and trade against live emsTradepoint trading boards View, download and analyse real-time forward and historic market data Access all market information, including weekly Market Wrap reports.

View Only
Access live emsTradepoint trading board (view-only) View, download and analyse real-time forward and historic market data Access all market information, including the weekly Market Wrap reports View-Only Participants incur an annual subscription fee.
Fees for all Participant types are set out in the emsTradepoint Market Rules. Fees are set out in the Market Rules Product Supplement for Carbon.

Training - Need a hand getting started?
We're always happy to provide training for new participants. We have some resources that can help you too, if you'd rather get started by yourself.
Access our online training videos here.
Contact us now to request any additional information – or we'll come and discuss the details with you.
emsTradepoint User Guide - Carbon pdf 2.0 MB